Privacy Policy Blukokoro

At Wowcracy Media s.r.l.s (“Wowcracy Media” or the “Company”) we take your privacy very seriously. This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) describes how we collect information when you visit the website and all its subdomains (the “Site”) and use the service provided by the Company (with the Site, the “Service”) and how we can use that information. As users of other websites and services, we take your privacy very seriously. We will only use your personal information to provide and improve the Service.

By using the Service you accept this Privacy Policy.

From time to time we may modify, amend or reformulate this Privacy Policy by posting changes or the updated version on our Site. By continuing using the Service after the update of the Policy, you accept the changes contained in the new version. Please verify this Privacy Policy periodically.

In this Policy “we”, “us”, “our” refer to Wowcracy Media.

Information We Collect

We collect:

  • Personal information. It is data that identifies or can be used to identify and contact you. It may include your name, email, postal address, phone number, date of birth, sex and country of residence. This type of information is provided by you when you register to the Service, sign up to our newsletter, upload material to the site, request additional information or comple forms on the Site.
  • Profile information. It comprises data you provide when you register to the Service, such as login and password details related to the account you create.
  • Billing information. It includes information that you are required to provide for any transaction you do on the Site. It may include credit card number, PayPal account or other payment system details.
  • Public information. It includes comments and contributions you do on the Site.
  • Other information. Any data that is shared between you and us when you visit the Site or contact us through the Site or regarding the Service. It may include IP address, internet provider, browser type and language, referring and exit pages and web addresses, date and time of your visit, amount of time spent on particular pages, your click path while on the Site and other data of this type.
How We Use Your Personal Information

Wowcracy uses your personal information to recognize you when you sign-in to the Service, to provide you the Service, send you information you requested, send you information we think it is worth for you knowing, present recommendations on the Site based on your previous use of the Service, administer your account, answer requests you send us through the Service, analyze how the Site and Service is used, improve the Service. We may use your Personal Information for other reasons that we may disclose to you when we ask to provide information. We commit not to share, license or sell your Personal and Billing Information to any third-party not specified in this Privacy Policy, unless you consent to do so.

When you make a pre-order on the Site we may share your credit card and related personal information to the service provider we use to process payments. In order to confirm your identity, we may share part of your personal information as required by a service provider to conduct appropriate anti-fraud checks. When you pre-order an item that requires shipment we may share the required personal information to the shipping company we use to complete the service. When we send mailings with content we believe you need or you are interested in we may share personal information our service provider needs to fulfil the service.

Wowcracy reserves the right to disclose your personal information as required by law and when we believe it is necessary to protect our rights, or in the good-faith belief that it is necessary to comply with law, protect our rights, preserve the security of other Users of the Site.

Information that you submit through the Service may be transferred to, stored in and processed by staff working in countries inside or outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) to provide the Service to you.

Statistics We Collect

We may store or ask to service providers to store data not connected with your Personal information to analyse the general usage of the Service.

We may disclose aggregate statistics of the Site, such as number of visitors, purchases and so to our investors

What You Voluntary Disclose

Any information that you voluntarily publish in public areas of the Site is publicly available and can be collected and used by others. Please, be aware of all the implications when you decide to disclose personal data in public areas.


Cookies are small bits of data that our Site send to your computer to store your visit history and identify you as a repeat visitor. This help us to improve the quality of the Service and your experience. However, we are not able to recognize who is using your computer. Some of the cookies are under our control and other are provided by third-party services on our behalf.

You may set your browsing preferences not to accept or notify you about used cookies. Blocking or disabling cookies used on our Site can make us unable to provide you the full experience we design for Wowcracy Users.

Communicating With You

We will contact you by email regarding your personal transactions.

We will notify you by email for things we believe you may be interested in. You may opt-out from this.

We may send you notifications regarding the Service or related information when we are required to do so.

Third-Party Services We Use

We never post anything to or through your accounts with Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or any other third-party sites without your permission.

Except for the purposes of providing the Services, we will not give your name or personal information to third parties.

Links to Other Sites

This Policy applies only to this Site. For example, we enable Designers to put links to their portfolio sites, social sites and more. Or Users are able to post links in public areas of the site. We encourage you to check those sites privacy policy, since we are not responsible for them.

Check Your Information

To modify or delete the personal information you have provided to us, please log in and update your profile. We may retain certain information as required by law or for necessary business purposes.

On request, we will give you a copy of all your personal information we may have. This service is subject to a fee not exceeding the prescribed fee permitted by law.

Questions For Us

If anything, in your opinion, remains unanswered by this Privacy Policy we would like you to reach us at It is extremely important for us!

Updated: October 2022.